
My thoughts on Blackfish was Disappointed and Disgusted, the reason why i was disappointed was that the animals killed the trainers when they spent 24/7 with them but the trainers did not treat them right so that gives them a reason but its not right. Another reason why i was disappointed was when people accused the animals that they are not supposed to kill but its in their nature and they are supposed to be outside. Also the reason why i was disgusted is because the way that they catch them and take them away from there mom, another reason why i was disqusted is that they stand all over them and ride them like a horse but they are FISH not horses FISH so there should be no reason to ride them and even if it do not hurt them I’m pretty sure if i was a fish i would not anyone all over me.


  1. I am glad to see you feel so strongly about the documentary. You give some very compelling reasons to support your feelings. Thank you for sharing this week.


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