In the year 1958, December 1st located in Humbolt Park a school called Our Lady of Angels School was getting ready to go home at two o’clock. As soon as a cardboard trash container at the bottom of what used to be stairs lit on fire and caused the stairs and walls to catch on fire in less than ten minutes. Teachers and student did not notice until the fire alarm rang, but in one class room the heat rises to the top and set the windows and walls on fire which let to twenty six student and teachers to die in one class room alone. The CDF revived the first notification of the fire at two forty two that was forty minutes after the fire started, but soon enough the fire department showed up at two forty five and ran to the molted hot stairs leading to red flames gushing trough the floor, firemen ran with hose of water and tried to tame the fire, while other firemen ran to the classrooms to save children and teachers. More than one hundred and six students and teachers were saved but unfortu...
This is going to be an interesting topic to argue, you bring up good arguments. Thank you for sharing your post this week.