Slice of life practice

It was Tuesday and it was the sound of music workshop. As I gathered all of my homework and stuffed it into my pink book bag I watched as ten students walked towards the giant MPR. Then out of no where a giant gust of wind it my face. It was rush hour, rush hour is when all of the students come at the same time and it’s a huge rush to go home. I watched as huge amounts of students running down the stairs and students rushing their locker trying to get their lock but but couldn’t because they were such in a rush. But as I picked up lock and tried to attach it to my locker about five boys came pushing and jumping as a small but loud speaker played trap music, since I’m Brianna Mancera I yelled and walked away.


  1. This is a great SOL practice and I look forward to reading more of these in the future. Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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