Digital citizenship

Digital citizenship is important in our school since we take our iPads home they need to know that we will be safe, responsible and respectful with our iPad at all time I am grateful to have iPads but ways I can show I'm ready for an iPad is use the iPad in a respectful way for example search up stuff appropriate and school related and also just because you have an iPad dose not mean you can not pay attention to the teacher and another way to show I'm your ready for an iPad is to be responsible for example don't leave your iPad laying around and alway if your going somewhere with your iPad keep it in your messenger bag and don't let anyone beside your teacher touch your iPad lastly another way to show is be safe for example don't eat or drink by your iPad don't play with your setting in your iPad and don't drop it. Those are the way to show that you are ready to get and iPad for school, Thank you for reading.


  1. Thank you for sharing your post this week! Good suggestions! I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into your post this week.


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